Associazione RAM

RAM is a cultural, humanitarian, non-profit making organization who seeks cooperation with democratic and "grassroots" groups all over the world. Its main area of action are the indian subcontinent, south-east Asia, and Europe. Since 1988, RAM works through "fair trade" practices in India, Nepal, tibetans, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam); through cultural initiatives in Italy; through the study of international tourism, seen as a socio-political issue. Since 1991, RAM also offers, to members, few "encounter" journeys every year, to visit cooperation partners in Asia. The activity is expanding: our tour leaders are specifically trained for the job, we have significant preparatory meetings before the tours, while RAM research in the field is also meant to experiment in a practical way fairer tourism practices.

Self-sufficient and autonomous, RAM is a small structure who obtains funds basically through "fair" trade (sales of crafts), tours organization, and little contributions of the members. Since 1993, RAM is the italian member of TEN (Tourism European Network), a coalition of organizations monitoring the impact of international tourism on culture, environment, economies and societies. Besides italian, we speak english and german.

RAM also coordinates various activities in the italian context, and it has be founder of a national non profit groups network dealing with sustainable tourism, who meet on a regular basis: the Italian Association for Responsible Tourism (AITR). Since october 2001 it has also a Responsible Tourism Counter office in Rome. We are very active, too, intervening in professional tourism schools as consultants for local administrations.

Associazione RAM
Via Molino Nuovo 8/B
I-16030 Avegno (GE)
p. +39-185-799087
f. +39-185-799214